
Art is everything. It’s the only constant. A home PROVIDING comfort, free of judgement and ridicule. It’s acceptance and freedom. Art allows the processing of grief and trauma. Art is an opportunity for financial stability and independence. Art is growth and learning. Limitless methods and techniques. A bottomless cup of new. Art is communication and connection with others. Art can effect change. Art is my voice. I am screaming, art is everything.

Artist Statement.
My work is the expression of my experiences and emotions, a collection of things I find amusing, beautiful, nostalgic, humorous or absurd. With one brush stroke or stitch, it's how I'm thinking, feeling and observing the world. The work CHALLENGES WHAT IT MEANS TO BE SUSTAINABLE AND explores OUR RELATIONSHIP With OBJECTS and OUR ENVIRONMENT. MY FOCUS IS MATERIALS DESTINED FOR LANDFILL to BE REPURPOSED, RE-IMAGINED AND REJUVENATED. I SEEK TO INSPIRE CURIOSITY and THOUGHT, ULTIMATELY LEADING TO IMPROVED CONSERVATION.